Uniform Shop Management
On-Campus Retail Store
Make life easier for your school community and you.
Belgravia Apparel's on-campus uniform shops reduce the hassle, and travel-time, out of meeting all your students’ school uniform needs – and return a valuable commission back to the school.
We can take care of staffing, stock control, shop management and even insurance. We also provide all point of sale equipment including EFTPOS, change float and lay-by facilities.
Our staff are highly experienced, and quickly become familiar with your school’s uniform requirements. They are specially trained to conduct personal fittings so that each student can look forward to the most comfortable fit and wear their uniform with pride.
Belgravia Apparel uniform stores will stock your school’s full uniform range all year round and hold stock in a full range of sizes.
Staff working in our uniform shops all hold up-to-date Working with Children permits.
Together with our on-campus stores, Belgravia Apparel also offers each school an online store where customers are able to purchase uniforms at their convenience, and have them delivered to their home address or the school.